So, I'm out there on and someone else attacks my favorite company, Amazon.
What's wrong with Americans that we have to attack anything bigger than a small business? Amazon made the digital book a reality. Amazon makes it possible for you to publish your book (good, bad or indifferent) for FREE.
Now if you'd like to actually sell some of them, you should have a nice cover. And if you want people to keep reading your works, you should have your book edited.
That's where I fell down with my first book Unraveling Ada. After two years of trying to "catch on", and five five-star reviews, a couple from people who weren't actually friends or relatives, the new Kindle Fire combined with the new KDP Prime-Select program came together to form the perfect publishing storm.
My books "sold" almost 8,000 copies in one month. After two years of 4 or 5, finally growing to 30-31 per month. And then an honest reviewer (or five) came along. Ouch.
Now Unraveling Ada is being thoroughly edited. (Ripping Abigail already was) and it finally makes sense. It's actually reading so much better that even I'm enjoying reading it (for the 8th time, really. I enjoyed the first four reads, but after that it was drudge.)
Now here's a question I'd like an answer to. What do I do with this pickle I find myself in? Go back out with an FULLY EDITED sign on the front of the current cover? Or scratch eight years of painstaking work, kill the first two books in the series, wait six months, then resubmit them to Amazon with a whole new look and new titles?
Yes! That's what I'll do. I'll try the former approach first, then if that fails, I'll resort to the latter approach last. So please stay tuned, it's a work in progress. Maybe two more months....
Sigh. Allways have sumwon else editeding your workngs.
Maybe it's the whole David and Goliath thingy. (Go back to the first question.)