If you are new to this blog, my name is Barbara Sullivan and I'm the writer of the Quilted Mystery series sold through amazon.com. My first novel is Unraveling Ada and it has been out for a year and a half. And now there is book two,Ripping Abigail.
I love writing novels and have been attempting to do so for my entire life, back as far as when I was in my first decade. My mother saved my first effort (4 pages) so that I'd know this. But life and its demands led me in another direction with my love of books, into the field of librarianship, which I enjoyed emensely for twenty-five years before retiring in 1999. A few years after that I returned to writing in earnest.
Finding a publisher at my age (69, 67 with the first book in the series) was something I felt I didn't have time for, so I self-published through amazon's CreateSpace and Kindle programs.
And now I'm beginning the process of marketing this second Quilted Mystery.
Here is the jacket copy for Ripping Abigail.
"Picking up the threads of the Quilted Mystery series that debuted with Unraveling Ada, Ripping Abigail delves into the seamy side of Southern California gang culture as bright, creative, 13-year-old Quilted Secrets member Abigail Pustovoytenko rebels against her homeschooling and enrolls herself in a high school where the local gangs are under pressure from mysterious forces and engaging in ever more violent acts. As Abigail draws unwanted attention by speaking up for the victims of the escalating gang activity, retired librarian-turned private investigator Rachel Lyons has her hands full trying to keep the rebellious, principled teenager safe while seeking to uncover the forces behind this eruption of gang violence that is overwhelming the high school and surrounding community."
I hope you'll give Ripping Abigail a read. I believe you'll find it entertaining and informative.
Barbara Sullivan